Become a Member of the Caucus Today
Continue your legacy of service by joining an organization that reflects your values and serves the same communities you care about.
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LeadershipIn complement to our overall mission, an element of leadership development will be present in all we do.
HonorThe honor developed during the careers of those who have and are serving, shall not be forgotten by those who participate with this organization.
ServiceThe Caucus will maintain the same level of service to the country demonstrated by those who served in the Armed Forces. Service to those who have served will result in service to communities abroad.
Who is eligible to join?Membership in the Caucus is open to any person of voting registration or preregistration age who meet the following requirements:
Why join the CDP Veterans Caucus?By joining the Caucus, you'll be advocating for Veterans all over the State of California. The Caucus is dedicated to protecting the interests and rights of all Veterans in California. As part of the CDP, the Caucus and its membership have unique access to legislators throughout the state and can help draft legislation and move initiatives that directly impact Veterans. In addition, the Caucus seeks to help elect Democratic candidates who support the issues critical to Veterans in all regions of the state, and at every level of government.
What are the different levels of membership?
The Caucus offers 3 membership types:
The Caucus does provide relief for prospective members who have a financial hardship on a case by case basis. If you would like to apply, please fill out the waiver request form and submit it directly to the Chair via email at [email protected], then sign up through the contact page and someone will contact you. Per Caucus bylaws, waivers are made at the discretion of the Treasurer and Chair. How do you join the Caucus?We are glad you asked! Be sure to read and understand the prompts before continuing through the form. Please follow the directions below: