A copy of the 2-year Work Plan can be downloaded as a PDF here.
2-year Work Plan; 2021-2023
Veterans Caucus Requirement: (Article II, Section 1 D): A two-year annual work plan will be included in the CDP Certification of the Caucus, voted on by majority vote of the Officers and ratified by the Members, shall provide additional guidance as to the operations and direction of the Veterans Caucus.
Lead: Organizational Development - The Organizational Development Committee shall prepare, develop, review the implementation of, and recommend changes to the two- year plan of the organization.
Contents: Our work plan for the Veterans Caucus encompasses the following three goals-
I. Support Veteran Legislation – Legislation is a means by which we can provide fundamental support to our Veterans across the state and nation.
A. Responsibility: This goal is the primary responsibility of the Policy & Legislation Committee.
B. Plan: This goal will be accomplished by reviewing all legislation and providing a subset of both federal- and state-level legislation that impacts veterans. This information will be disseminated to the Caucus leadership and membership on a recurring basis.
C. Measurement: Measurement of this goal will be to have at least two membership meetings where we review all the Veterans impacted legislation that is current at both the federal and state levels.
II. Provide resources for Veterans – Our website provides the main mode of sharing important information to our Veterans and thus, having a set of life- impacting resources would benefit our community greatly; Such resources would include: transitioning from military to civilian life, Veterans Health benefits, CalVet, VA disabilities, Veteran discounts, etc.
A. Responsibility: This goal is the primary responsibility of the Communication Committee.
B. Plan: This goal will be accomplished by placing and maintaining active links on the Caucus website and/or Caucus Facebook page. These links should be consistently maintained and constantly growing.
C. Measurement: At least 10 active links of life-impacting resources for Veterans.
III. Contribute to creation of a new Veterans democratic club in California – Supporting the creation of a new, Veteran democratic club in the State means greater awareness of the positive influence and needs of Veterans that support candidates.
A. Responsibility: This goal is the primary responsibility of the Organizational Development Committee.
B. Plan: This goal will be accomplished by expanding the reach that the California democrats have for veterans by helping to establish a new Veterans club in the State. The needs of these Veterans are combined with the general needs of Democrats. In conjunction with Democratic Central Committees, which charter Democratic Clubs, we would like to help champion one additional democratic club.
C. Measurement: Measurement of this goal will be the establishment of at least one new Veterans democratic club in the state.
Execution: Below is the descriptive outline, combining the three goals, while being flexible to changes that may transpire- Develop and Support Legislation, Provide Resources, Expand Democratic Clubs for Veterans.
A. Purpose: To expand and cultivate individual membership throughout all regions.
B. Outcomes: To develop a Listening Tour throughout the 58 counties via the Democratic Central Committees. This will not only help to expand Veterans Clubs but will enhance our understanding of the resources these veterans need and what legislation they find critical to supporting our community.
C. Challenges: Traction in helping to establish a new Veterans democratic club amidst the pandemic. We anticipate having to build up resources (e.g. bylaws) to help an organization come to fruition, but we are confident in our ability to find a regional champion.
Lead: Organizational Development - The Organizational Development Committee shall prepare, develop, review the implementation of, and recommend changes to the two- year plan of the organization.
Contents: Our work plan for the Veterans Caucus encompasses the following three goals-
I. Support Veteran Legislation – Legislation is a means by which we can provide fundamental support to our Veterans across the state and nation.
A. Responsibility: This goal is the primary responsibility of the Policy & Legislation Committee.
B. Plan: This goal will be accomplished by reviewing all legislation and providing a subset of both federal- and state-level legislation that impacts veterans. This information will be disseminated to the Caucus leadership and membership on a recurring basis.
C. Measurement: Measurement of this goal will be to have at least two membership meetings where we review all the Veterans impacted legislation that is current at both the federal and state levels.
II. Provide resources for Veterans – Our website provides the main mode of sharing important information to our Veterans and thus, having a set of life- impacting resources would benefit our community greatly; Such resources would include: transitioning from military to civilian life, Veterans Health benefits, CalVet, VA disabilities, Veteran discounts, etc.
A. Responsibility: This goal is the primary responsibility of the Communication Committee.
B. Plan: This goal will be accomplished by placing and maintaining active links on the Caucus website and/or Caucus Facebook page. These links should be consistently maintained and constantly growing.
C. Measurement: At least 10 active links of life-impacting resources for Veterans.
III. Contribute to creation of a new Veterans democratic club in California – Supporting the creation of a new, Veteran democratic club in the State means greater awareness of the positive influence and needs of Veterans that support candidates.
A. Responsibility: This goal is the primary responsibility of the Organizational Development Committee.
B. Plan: This goal will be accomplished by expanding the reach that the California democrats have for veterans by helping to establish a new Veterans club in the State. The needs of these Veterans are combined with the general needs of Democrats. In conjunction with Democratic Central Committees, which charter Democratic Clubs, we would like to help champion one additional democratic club.
C. Measurement: Measurement of this goal will be the establishment of at least one new Veterans democratic club in the state.
Execution: Below is the descriptive outline, combining the three goals, while being flexible to changes that may transpire- Develop and Support Legislation, Provide Resources, Expand Democratic Clubs for Veterans.
A. Purpose: To expand and cultivate individual membership throughout all regions.
B. Outcomes: To develop a Listening Tour throughout the 58 counties via the Democratic Central Committees. This will not only help to expand Veterans Clubs but will enhance our understanding of the resources these veterans need and what legislation they find critical to supporting our community.
C. Challenges: Traction in helping to establish a new Veterans democratic club amidst the pandemic. We anticipate having to build up resources (e.g. bylaws) to help an organization come to fruition, but we are confident in our ability to find a regional champion.