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Continue your legacy of service by joining an organization that reflects your values and serves the same communities you care about.
LeadershipIn complement to our overall mission, an element of leadership development will be present in all we do.
HonorThe honor developed during the careers of those who have and are serving, shall not be forgotten by those who participate with this organization.
ServiceThe Caucus will maintain the same level of service to the country demonstrated by those who served in the Armed Forces. Service to those who have served will result in service to communities abroad.
Purpose:"To protect Veterans benefits and promote values of the California Democratic Party, identify, discuss and address Veterans issues, accurately represent the needs of all Veterans, and to elect Democratic candidates who support the issues critical to Veterans in all areas and at all levels of government."
Mission:"It shall be the mission of the Caucus to work within and through the California Democratic Party, providing a strong voice and representation within the party structure; and promoting the welfare of Veterans both through effective legislation and encouraging Veterans to participate fully at all levels of policy making and public service.
Caucus for All Veterans:The Caucus prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, or economic status.